Praise God Hymn | Praise and Worship Music "Gospel Choir 12th Performance" | Recitation and Singing

God created this world and created mankind. He cares for mankind night and day. At the beginning, man, innocent and carefree, lived happily under God’s care. Corrupted by Satan, man stayed further and further away from God, forgot God’s instructions, forsook God’s way, and abandoned himself to hideous depravity. He lost the blessings and promises of God and fell under the wrat ... Read more »

Category: Videos | Views: 160 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/October/14 | Comments (0)

Praise God Hymn  | Choral Singing "Gospel Choir 10th Performance"

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has quietly descended among man brimming with righteousness and majesty, love and compassion. He brings the Age of Grace to an end and ushers in the Age of Kingdom, and expresses new words and does the work of judgment beginning with the house of God. Though no one welcomes God’s coming, He still humbly hides Himself in the flesh, works in many ways, and speaks in various perspectives to supply the needs of man&rsquo ... Read more »

Category: Videos | Views: 154 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/October/14

Christian Skit | "Watch Over This House" | Why Christians Are Treated Like This (English Dubbed)

In China, Christians are persecuted by the CCP to the point that it's hard for them to go home, so they often live a wandering existence. In this skit, a Christian couple, fed up by being monitored in their village for their belief in God ... Read more »

Category: Videos | Views: 141 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/October/13 | Comments (0)