Today, a friend send me a piece of crosstalk, “How Exactly Does the Lord Come”. Seeing the title, I feel surprised and think to myself: Won’t the Lord come with a cloud? Is there any doubt about this? With this confusion, I watched this video. Unexpectedly, I benefit much from it. It allows me to understand there is a mystery in the way of the Lord’s return. Previously, we saw the Bible says, “… and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”(Matthew 24:30). Based on this verse of scripture, we think the Lord would descend on a cloud with great glory. But we didn’t pay attention to other prophecies about the Lord’s return, such as ... Read more »

Category: Videos | Views: 116 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/May/27 | Comments (0)