Morning Worship Songs of 2019 - English Christian Songs With Lyrics

God’s Glory Shines From the East

God Hopes That Man Can Be Sincere Toward His Words

 Almighty God’s Word Accomplishes Everything

 None Can Depart From God’s Word

He Is the Truth ... Read more »

Category: Church Hymns | Views: 120 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/April/05


New Gospel Song "The Great Red Dragon Collapses as God's People Grow" | Praise God's Actions


The More Mature God’s People Get,

the More the Great Red Dragon Collapses

When the people have all been made complete,

and all nations are Christ’s kingdom, the seven thunders will peal.

Today’s a stride towards that s ... Read more »

Category: Church Hymns | Views: 136 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/March/27

English Christian Songs - "It's Important to Have a Normal Relationship With God" 


Whenever you do anything,

you must check if your motives are right.

If you act in the ways God requires,

then your Relationship with God ... Read more »

Category: Church Hymns | Views: 118 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/March/11

Gospel Music Video "Those Who God Will Save Are Foremost in His Heart" | The Love of God Is Good

How significant is God’s saving work,

more important than all other things to Him.

With purposed plans and will, not just thoughts and words,

He does everything for all mankind.

O how significant it is, God’s saving work, for both man and Himself.

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Category: Church Hymns | Views: 126 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/March/10

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth "It's Such a Joy to Be an Honest Person"

Understanding the truth frees one’s spirit and makes one happy. (That’s true!)

I am filled with confidence in God’s word and harbor no doubts. (How could we have any doubts?)

I am without negativity, I do not retreat, and never despair. (Look!)

I uphold my duty with all my heart and mind, and I have ... Read more »

Category: Church Hymns | Views: 133 | Date: 20/March/05

Almighty God - Christ of the last days - has come to the world personally. He uses the word to renew and change all things and thus brings the wonderful life in the kingdom to mankind. God’s people have returned before God and are revived again. They sing and dance joyfully around God’s throne, praising God for His gaining glory.

Dance Around the Throne

1. The last Christ has appeared; the kingdom is among men. Almighty God is seated on the throne, with a smile, uttering His voice to all the nations, revealing His majesty. The heavens and the earth are cheering together; all nations and all peoples are ... Read more »

Category: Church Hymns | Views: 130 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/March/03

God’s wisdom and almightiness are shown forth in the change and renewal of all things. The people of God sing and dance to praise the accomplishment of God’s work. At this time, human beings have cast away their filth and corruption amidst the work of God, thus submitting to God and living out the reality of God’s word. They can accept God’s commission and bear witness to God’s faithfulness and righteousness, and have true praise for God in their real experience.

Praise Hymns | Latin Dance "Praise the Accomplishment of God's Work" 

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Category: Church Hymns | Views: 121 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/March/03

English Gospel Song | "Millennial Kingdom, God's Purpose"

The Millennial Kingdom has come, and all mysteries have been revealed. All peoples come to seek the true light and submit before the throne of the true God. The whole earth is full of joyous exaltation. The people of God are drumming and singing to praise God, which presents an inspiring and joyful picture….

Millennial Kingdom God’s Purpose ... Read more »

Category: Church Hymns | Views: 151 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/March/02

2019 Christian Music Video | "I Have Seen God's Love" | Praise and Worship Song

Almighty God, it is You who loves me.

Out of the filthy world You have chosen me!

So I have come before You, yes, I have come before You,

living a life of the church, enjoying Your words every day.

Having such blessing is You uplifting me today!

... Read more »

Category: Church Hymns | Views: 181 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/06

The New Jerusalem has descended from heaven; God’s word has appeared in the flesh. God’s chosen people witness with their own eyes that everything God says is accomplished and fulfilled one after the other, and that God’s word is reigning on the whole earth. The long-awaited Millennial Kingdom has descended to earth. All God’s people are heartily enjoying God’s abundance and proclaiming God’s word. They are singing and dancing to praise the arrival of the day that God is glorified.

Singing of the Millennial Kingdom Descending Among Men

1. The Millennial Kingdom has descended among men, God’s word has conquered the whole earth, reigning on the whole earth, reigning on the whole earth, and everything has come into being and stood fast because of God ... Read more »

Category: Church Hymns | Views: 179 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/05

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