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English Christian Movies - "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit" (4) - God Uses the Word to Do the Judgment Work in the Last Days

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian Testimonies

Upon seeing the title, I think of the prophecies in the Bible, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come”(John 16:12-13), and, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God”(1 Peter 4:17). We can see from the words of the Lord that, in the last days, the Lord would come to do judgment work and utter words to us, those words are the words that God never said before and that man ever never heard. Being faced with God’s new words and work, as a Christian, what attitude should we have? How should we seek and get to know it? Let’s watch a wonderful movie clip together, “Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit” - God Does Judgment Work by the Word. This video will tell us the unknown answers.

English Christian Movies - "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit" (4) - God Uses the Word to Do the Judgment Work in the Last Days

In the Age of Law and the Age of Grace, God spoke some words which were stern and which rebuked people. What is the difference between these words and the words of judgment expressed by God as He does His work of judgment in the last days? What exactly is judgment? How does God's work of judgment in the last days judge and purify man?

Cho Yeonghan was a pastor of a church in Korea. He was zealous in serving the Lord for decades and earned great respect from the believers. In recent years, the church became desolate day by day. More and more evils emerged, and even he himself was often afflicted by sin. Thus, he felt extremely miserable and confused…. After much consideration, he gave up his post as a pastor and left his denomination to seek the true way that could free him from sin. He visited several other denominations, but their desolation and degeneration brought him into severer loss and helplessness. Earnestly, he prayed, “O Lord! Where are you? …” Out of surprise, when investigating the word of Almighty God, he found that the Lord Jesus has come back and He is Almighty God, Christ of the last days.

If you want to know more Almighty God's the last days work , click on Signs of "Free Christian Movies" Christian Movies bear witness to the Lord Jesus appearing to perform works in the last days and narrate true stories of Christians returning before the throne of God. They lead you to know the new work of God in the last days, to listen to the words of the Holy Spirit to the churches, and to attend the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Category: Gospel Movie Series | Views: 115 | Added by: gensuizhu | Tags: judgment work, Jesus return | Rating: 0.0/0
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