Concerning the person who are obedient to God, will we immediately say that only believers who can uphold the Lord's name, forsake everything to expend for the Lord, who don’t betray the Lord amidst persecution and hardship, and still persist in working and laboring, are ones who truly obey God and will be praised by God, and sure can enter the kingdom of heaven? I used to uphold this view as well. Until a few days ago, I had a new understanding of obedience to God after I watched a Christian Movie “Baptism by Fire” recommended by my friend Emila. I realize the view that working and laboring is obeying God remains too one-sided and doesn’t accord with the Lord’s will. Besides, I know how to do to is genuine obedience to God to achieve being saved and entering the kingdom of heaven. Here I share th ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 126 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/April/13