
2. Job’s Faith

The Bible tells us that Job had a very prosperous family as well as ten children and many servants; he was greatly respected and highly regarded by his peers. However, through the temptations and attacks of Satan, Job lost all of his possessions and his children within a single day, and after that became completely covered in boils. That trial turned Job from the greatest man in the Orient into the most destitute person in the Orient, and he was also judged and attacked by his family and friends. Even when faced with such a great trial, Job didn’t utter a single word of complaint to God, and he even prostrated himself in worship of God, saying, “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 113 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/May/18

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian Sermons

Christian Sermons - What Is Having Faith in God? (Part 1)

What God requires of each of us as Christians is to possess genuine faith. There are many examples recorded in the Bible of people who were able to see God’s wondrous deeds and be blessed by Him because of their faith. Moses had faith in God and through His guidance, was able to overcome the myriad obstructions and limitations of the Pharaoh, ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 117 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/May/17

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian devotional

Opening the Door to My Heart and Welcoming the Lord’s Return

By Yongyuan, United States

In November of 1982, our whole family emigrated to the USA. We had all had faith in the Lord since my grandfather’s generation, so we found a Chinese church in New York’s Chinatown soon after arriving in the United States so we could attend mass. We never missed a single mass, and my mother and sister were especially good about reading ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 122 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/May/16

“If I were not saved by God, I would still be drifting in this world,

struggling hard and painfully in sin, every day bleak and hopeless.

If I were not saved by God, I’d still be crushed below the devil’s feet,

snared in sin and its enjoyments, ignorant of what my life would be.

It’s Almighty God who saves me; all  ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 140 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/May/15


The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Religious Persecution

Religious Persecution - After Enduring Hardship, My Love for God Is Even Stronger (Part 2)

One day in November of 2004, the winter wind was blowing bitter cold and the air was swirling with thick snowflakes. While spreading the gospel, a few of my brothers and sisters and I were secretly followed by the CCP police. At 8 o’clock that evening, we were in the middle of a meeting, when we suddenly heard a burst of urgent knocking and shout ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 141 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/May/14

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian devotional

Religious Persecution - After Enduring Hardship, My Love for God Is Even Stronger (Part 1)

By Zhou Rui, Jiangxi Province

My name is Zhou Rui and I am a Christian of The Church of Almighty God. From the time I began to understand things, I watched my parents work hard in the fields from morning to night in order to make a living. Despite their significant efforts, they hardly earned any ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 114 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/May/13


Would the Lord Return as Male or Female?

At a meeting one day, I spoke out about my confusion, “The Lord Jesus incarnated as a man, so I think the Lord will absolutely return as a man. But you say that the Lord has incarnated as a woman. I cannot entirely accept this. Can you fellowship with me about this?” Brother Lu said, “Brother, you think that since the Lord Jesus incarnated as a man, He will definitely return as a man, but have you ever thought whether or not this view accords with the facts, and whether or not it has a basis in God’s words? Could it be that God can only incarnate as a man? If we don’t seek to understand this issue, it will be very easy for us to delimit and resist God. Let’s first see what the Bible and God’s words say. It is recorded in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1–2: &l ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 122 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/May/11

By Xinming, United States

In September 2015, I came to the US to study. Before I had even been in the US a month, a sister preached to me the Lord Jesus’ gospel and, being curious about western religions, I went to church and began attending meetings every Sunday. After I started believing in the Lord, I began to study how to become a true Christian, and I gradually withdrew from the life of drinking and reveling with my fellow classmates in bars. Instead, I would read the Bible in my dorm and attend meetings on weekends, and my heart felt filled with peace and joy.

The Words of the Pastor Were Planted Deep in My Heart

One evening, I saw that a deacon from my church had posted a notice in our WeChat group: “Everyone must beware of  ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 123 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/May/10

I was born in a Catholic family. Since I was little, I attended Mass at church with my grandparents. Due to the influence of my environment and my belief in God, I learned to chant many different scriptures and practice various rituals.

In 2009, I arrived in Japan to study. One time, in a fellow student’s dorm room, I met by chance a Christian small group leader who had come to spread the gospel. I thought: Protestants and Catholics believe in the same God. They both believe in the Lord Jesus. As a result, I accepted the small group leader’s invitation to ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 116 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/May/09

By Anyuan, Philippines

Two thousand years ago, the followers of the Lord asked Jesus, “[W]hat shall be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3). The Lord Jesus replied, “And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:6–8). Today, disasters are occurring more and more across the globe. Earthquakes, epidemics, famine, war and floods occur one after another. At the end of 2019, a new type of coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China. Its transmission rate is alarming; in the space of just a few months, cases appeared all across the coun ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 122 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/May/08

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