The sun of righteousness shines over all the earth, and all things are revived.

God’s people come together, joyfully singing and dancing to celebrate victory.

Praise the success of God’s work. The whole earth is full of joy and laughter.

Praise the success of God’s work. The whole earth is full of joy and laughter. Ah hey!

Everything that has breath comes to praise, praise the arrival of God’s day.

The whole universe appears entirely new, celebrating the holy day.


God’s heart’s desire is fulfilled. We are masters of all things.

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Category: Hymns | Views: 135 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/25

English Gospel Song | "We Are Fortunate to Meet With God’s Coming"

We are fortunate to meet with God’s coming, we hear His voice.

We are fortunate to meet with God’s coming, we attend the feast of the Lamb.

We know the incarnate  ... Read more »

Category: Hymns | Views: 123 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/14

Praise and Worship Dance Songs "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

Pure and honest like a child, innocent and lively, full of youthful vitality,

they are like angels that come to the world.

No lies, no deceit or deception, with an open, honest heart they live with dignity.

They give their hearts to God, God trust ... Read more »

Category: Hymns | Views: 125 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/13

Hymns of Praise to God | "Around the Throne, Dance Around"

Verse 1

Christ of the last days has now appeared,

the kingdom of heaven has come to earth.

God become flesh speaks truth, opening the scroll,

this is ... Read more »

Category: Hymns | Views: 127 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/December/01

praise and worship - "May You Always Stay in My Heart"

Verse 1

You stay with me through spring and fall,

walk with me through heat and cold.

Seeing Your lonely countenance,

my heart wells up with much woe.

Ver ... Read more »

Category: Hymns | Views: 172 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/21

2019 English Christian Song | "God Saves Those Who Worship God and Shun Evil"


In the time of Noah, mankind had strayed,

became deeply corrupt, and they lost the blessing of God,

no longer cared for by God, devoid of His promises.

Without God’s light, they were l ... Read more »

Category: Hymns | Views: 257 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/20

Seek First the Kingdom of God | Best Hymns of Faith "I Will Not Rest Until I Gain God"

Out of my own willingness I follow God. I don't care whether He wants me or not. I seek to love Him, steadfastly follow Him. I will gain Him, offering my life to Him.


May the will of ... Read more »

Category: Hymns | Views: 132 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/07

Best Hymns of Faith "Follow God Along the Rough Path" | Love God Without Regrets


You spend yourself for God, I devote myself to Him,

forsaken by family, slandered by the world.

The path to follow God is not easy at all.

... Read more »

Category: Hymns | Views: 140 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/06

Best Hymns of Faith | "Through Thick and Thin, Faithful Till Death"


From heaven to the earth, hiding in the flesh. Working among men, through winds and rains. Taking a rough path, open a new age. To redeem mankind, lay down Your life and shed blood. Wind and rain, so many years. Forsaken by every man. Humble and hidden, enduring all along. Humble and hidden, enduring all along.

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Category: Hymns | Views: 128 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/04

Praise and Worship | So Happy to Live in the Love of God | "Christ's Kingdom Is a Warm Home"


Christ’s kingdom is my warm home, it belongs to all of God’s people.

Christ walks and speaks in the church and lives together with God’s people.

The judgment and chastisement of  ... Read more »

Category: Hymns | Views: 136 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/03

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