8:59 AM
Resolved to Pursue the Truth and Follow God

These days, I felt very weak in spirit and didn't know how to seek God's will when trials and refinement came. In great suffering, I lost my faith to God and resolution to pursue the truth. I was not sure how to continue this path of believing in God. Just when I was feeling at a loss, I listened to a hymn "The Resolve Necessary to Pursue the Truth". It makes me find my faith back and I am steadfastly resolved. Thank God! Now sharing it with you, brothers and sisters. When you’re confused and helpless, you must listen to this beautiful hymn which can make you feel resolved to pursue the truth and follow God to the end. 

Hymns of Praise - "The Resolve Necessary to Pursue the Truth" - 2020 Chinese Christian Song

Do you have the determination to understand the truth, gain the truth, and ultimately be perfected by God?

You must reach a stage whereby your resolution does not change no matter what environment you encounter;

that is what it means to be sincere, and only that is a genuine love of the truth. You must be such a person.

It will not do to cower down or become negative, giving up your own resolution

whenever some problem or difficulty arises.

You must possess the strength of one who is willing to risk life and limb:

“No matter what happens,

even if it is necessary for me to die, I will never abandon my resolve or give up on this goal.”

If you do, then no hardship will be able to stop you. God will make things happen for you.

You must have this kind of understanding whenever something occurs:

“No matter what happens,

it is all a part of my achieving my goal, and it is God’s doing.

There is weakness in me, but I will not be negative.

I thank God for the love He bestows upon me and for arranging such an environment for me.

I must not abandon my desire and my resolution;

giving up would be tantamount to making a compromise with Satan,

tantamount to self-destruction, and tantamount to betraying God.”

This is the kind of mindset you must have.

No matter what others say or how they act,

and no matter how God treats you, your determination must not waver.

No matter how others act, and no matter how God treats you,

your determination must not waver.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


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The Church of Almighty God APP—A treasure trove of spiritual resources.

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God App.jpg

Open the app, and you will see various spiritual books, hymns, movies, variety shows, etc. These resources reveal the mystery of both the return of the Lord and entering the kingdom of heaven and tell us how to welcome the Lord, what is being raptured before the disasters, and how to cast off sin and enter the kingdom of heaven. This app has some special functions, such as reading offline, the reminder for devotionals, easy notes, and so on. During these special days, the Church of Almighty God app enriches my every day and draw me closer to God.

Category: Testimonies | Views: 148 | Added by: gensuizhu | Tags: Follow God, pursue the truth | Rating: 0.0/0
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