The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian Testimonies

Christian Testimonies - The Loss and Gain of Gatherings (1)

My name is Guozi, and I’m a high school student studying abroad in the USA. I was born in a Christian family, and my mother accepted the work of Almighty God in the last days when I was one year old. I remember when I was very young that my mother would always say to me: “God created heavens, earth, and everything that exists. We humans were also created by God, and God loves us more than anything. Whenever something happens to you, remember to pray to Almighty God, and He will watch over ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 139 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/27

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's words

Christian Reflections - A Wandering Heart Comes Home (2)


After reading these words, Brother Joseph fellowshiped with me many truths regarding God’s work of judgment of the last days. I came to understand that God’s work is very practical and that it isn’t supernatural at all, that God’s work of judgment of the last days is not at all like I had imagined. I had imagined God placing a gigantic table in mid-air, with ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 149 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/25

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Daily Devotionals

Christian Reflections -  A Wandering Heart Comes Home (1)

By Novo, Philippines

My name is Novo, and I’m from the Philippines. I have followed my mom in her belief in God since I was little, and would go listen to sermons at church with my siblings. Although I had believed in the Lord for many years, I felt that I hadn’t undergone any change and that I was the same as an unbeliever. Within my heart I was constantly thinking about how to make more money, and about how to spend my days in comfort and enjoy the good l ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 120 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/24

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian Testimonies

Christian Testimonies - The Word of God Leads Me to Live Out a Little Like a Human (2)


Several days later, my senior checked to see whether my seating of people was up to standard. I thought that I would definitely be up to standard with my fluent Japanese and long-ago learned phrases for seating people. But I did not do well on some details and my senior insisted that I did not make the grade. I really wanted to vent my dissatisfaction, but I was still labeled as unqualified so I did not dare vent my anger. Very soon, it was time for the second inspection. This time, I did not make any mistakes when seating people, bu ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 132 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/23

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian Testimonies

Christian Testimonies - The Word of God Leads Me to Live Out a Little Like a Human (1)

By Xiao Ye, Japan

I was born into a blessed family. From a young age, my parents loved me very much. In addition, my grades were good and adults often praised me in front of my brothers, sisters and me: “Xiao Ye will certainly have good prospects in the future….” I really felt so much pride for myself after hearing this and always indulged in self-admiration and wild arrogance, thinking I was better than my siblings, regarding myself as a rare talent in the family…. I grew up in such a superior environment. ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 118 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/22

Spiritual Warfare - How to Overcome the Temptations of Satan (Part 2)

By Geng Xin

Though when I was tempted this time, I had understood God’s will and not been caught out by Satan’s deceitful scheme, Satan was not quite done yet. Not long after, Satan began to attack me once again.

One day, I suddenly and inexplicably developed a high fever and my temperature soared to 39.2 degrees. I quickly found a nurse and asked for an injection to combat my fever, but although my fever abated somewhat for a short time, it then returned, and I had to keep a cold towel pressed to my head even on such cold days. I passed ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 140 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/18

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, top sermons

Spiritual Warfare - How to Overcome the Temptations of Satan (Part 1)

By Geng Xin

Editor’s Note: The Bible records, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Satan is incredibly insidious, evil and treacherous. It does not want us to attain God’s salvation ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 142 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/17

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian Testimonies

Spiritual Warfare - By Discernment of Sayings on the Internet, I Received Almighty God’s End of Days Grace (Part 2)

By William, United States

Why Does the CCP Spread Rumors Condemning The Church of Almighty God?

Later, I saw Xiaoyi in the film say, “Why is it that the CCP maintains our church is an outfit of man? Why hasn’t it said a word about the incarnate God? Why hasn’t it said a thing about the bo ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 143 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/16

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Daily Devotionals

Spiritual Warfare: A Septuagenarian Christian’s Joys and Sorrows Dealing With Her Family’s Resistance (2)


Experiencing God’s Almightiness Through My Niece’s Disruption

When I went to church for gatherings after that, my daughter and her husband no longer hindered me—my life became peaceful as it h ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 147 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/15

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Daily Devotionals

Spiritual Warfare: A Septuagenarian Christian’s Joys and Sorrows Dealing With Her Family’s Resistance (1)

By Jinbu, South Korea

A Septuagenarian Welcomes the Lord’s Return

I turned 74 this year. I used to be a member of the Three-Self Church in China, but after my husband passed away I came to South Korea to live with my daughter and her husband. I kept trying to find a church here that possessed the work of the Holy Spirit, but I discovered that the pastors and elders ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 203 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/November/14

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