Praise God Hymn | King of Kings | Rock Music "Gospel Choir 11th Performance"

The Lord Jesus has descended on a white cloud among us with His judgment, His righteousness, and His original disposition, revealing to mankind the true God who bestows His mercy abundantly and casts out His anger fiercely. All the time, He forgives man with His mercy and warns man with His anger. His mercy, lovingkindness, majesty, and wrath inspire man’s sincere reverence. Because of His holiness and righteousness, m ... Read more »

Category: Hymns | Views: 108 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/October/18 | Comments (0)

Christian Choir Song "Kingdom Anthem: The Kingdom Descends Upon the World"

To enter God’s kingdom is what every brother and sister has long yearned for. In God’s kingdom, people will no longer be disturbed and afflicted by Satan, no longer scheme against and deceive each other, and no longer suffer and worry or grow sick and die. Mankind will live just like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, will worship and obey God, and live amidst God’s blessings. They will no longer shun God or betray God. Then do you want to know how God’s kingdom is formed and what the beautiful scenes of God’s kingdom are like? Almighty God says, “As My words are consummated, the kingdom is gradually formed on earth and man is gradually returned to normality, and thu ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 153 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 19/October/17 | Comments (0)