In recent years, the disasters around the world become more and more and greater and greater, the situation of countries is in turmoil, such as the earthquake and typhoon in the Philippines, the flood in India, the typhoon in Japan, the protests in Hong Kong, the fires in Indonesia and Brazil, the recent fire in Australia, the pestilence in China, etc. 

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Signs of the End Times

Various disasters always occur unexpectedly. What do these disasters herald? What message do they deliver to us? Maybe, some feel scared, but some think that there are too many disasters today, so they see them very normal and feel those disasters are far from them. But there is one point that we have to mention. All the believers in the Lord know the Bible prophesied, “And great earthquakes shall be in d ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 118 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/21

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, signs of Christ's return

Signs of Christ's Return: 3 Successive Rare Supermoons of 2019

As predicted by relevant experts, two supermoons will appear successively on 19th February and 21st March 2019, being two fantastic astronomical sights that follow on from the “super blood wolf moon” which appeared on 21st January.

Related information states that the term “supermoon” refers to when the full moon moves to its closest point to the earth, its perigee, at which point the moon’s diameter is 14% larger ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 128 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/20

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, top sermons

Signs of Jesus’ Coming Have Appeared: How Will the Lord Come?

Dear brothers and sisters:

Hello everyone, I’m very happy to see you all here. First, let’s give thanks to God for preparing this opportunity for us, and may God guide us and work amongst us.

Brothers and sisters, after our Lord Jesus had resurrected and risen up to heaven, all of us who believe in the Lord yearn for Him to soon return in order to make our many years of wishes come true, and so that we could receive His promise ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 144 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/18


The sister then continued with her fellowship. “From the word of Almighty God, we can see that every stage of work carried out by God is carried out in accordance with the needs of the corrupt human race. At the end of the Age of Law, man was becoming more and more deeply corrupted by Satan and was committing more and more sins. Man had violated the laws of Jehovah and was in danger of being stoned to death and burned by the fires of heaven. God loves mankind. He incarnated Himself to become the likeness of sinful flesh, and He was nailed to the cross to redeem man from sin. So, as long as we believe in the Lord Jesus then we will be saved, and the Lord will not remember our sins. We can come directly before God and pray to Him, and enjoy the abundance of grace bestowed by Him. But although we have been re ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 149 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/12

By Xiaocao

One day, I saw the following passage of God’s words in the piece “How Peter Came to Know Jesus”: “During the time he followed Jesus, Peter observed and took to heart everything about His life: His actions, words, movements, and expressions. … From his time in contact with Jesus, Peter also saw that His character was different from that of an ordinary man. He always acted steadily and never with haste, never exaggerated nor underplayed a subject, and He conducted His life in a way that revealed a character which was both normal and admirable. In conversation, Jesus spoke plainly and with grace, communicating always in a cheerful yet serene manner—and yet never did He lose His dignity while carrying out His work. Peter saw that Jesus w ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 135 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/11

By Hu Ke

Whenever I saw these words spoken by God, I felt anxious: “Every sentence I have spoken contains within it the disposition of God. You would do well to ponder My words carefully, and you will surely profit greatly from them” (“It Is Very Important to Understand God’s Disposition” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). I felt anxious because understanding God’s disposition is so important both to man’s understanding of God and their seeking to love and satisfy Him. But when reading the words of God, I always felt like God’s disposition was too abstract, and I didn’t know how to understand it. Afterward, through fellowship from my church leader, I came to know that I should understand what God likes and what He hat ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 168 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/10

By Tian Ying, China

I used to be a believer in the Three-Self Church in China. When I first started participating in gatherings, the pastors would often say to us, “Brothers and sisters, it is recorded in the Bible that, ‘For with the heart man believes to righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made to salvation’ (Romans 10:10). We’ve been justified due to our faith, and since we believe in Jesus, we have been saved. If we believed in anything else, then we wouldn’t be saved….” I kept these words spoken by the pastors always in mind. They spurred me on as I ardently engaged in pursuit and actively attended gatherings, waiting for the Lord to come and receive me into the kingdom of heaven. Later, a series of unlawful deeds were committed in the church, and as a result I began to weary of the gatherings there. Not only were the pastors divided amongst themselv ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 143 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/08

By Wang Yuping, China

Just like all the other brothers and sisters who thirst for the return of the Lord Jesus, I too have always longed for our Lord to return soon, to receive us into the kingdom of heaven so that we can enjoy its blessings. Then one day in November of 2006, I finally heard the news of the Lord’s return. Through reading the words expressed by Almighty God and through brothers’ and sisters’ fellowship and testimony of God’s work in the last days, I ultimately recognized that Almighty God incarnate is the returned Lord Jesus. Thereupon, I very happily accepted Almighty God’s work in the last days.

In a gathering once, Sister Yang shared this fellowship with me in a very serious tone: “Recently there have been a lot of brothers and sister ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 118 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/February/07


After he had finished reading from the word of God, my colleague fellowshiped with me about it, saying, “It is an intense spiritual battle when we are beset with these things. At present, the whole world is under the domain of Satan, the evil one, and Satan continues to corrupt mankind, and to disturb and disrupt God’s work in the vain hope of fully taking possession of and devouring mankind whom God created—this is Satan’s evil goal. God’s six-thousand-year management plan is carried out for the sake of saving mankind from the dark influence of Satan so that they can be gained by God. Especially in the last days, while God is expressing His word and performing the last stage of work, that of cleansing and saving mankind, Satan is afraid that we will accept God’s work, and that we will understand the truth and attain full salvation. It is afraid that we will come t ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 162 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/January/29

By Xinxin, China

I am an ordinary worker. At the end of November 2013, a work colleague saw that my wife and I were always getting into arguments about little things, and that we were worried and vexed all the time, so he preached Almighty God’s work of the last days to us. From the word of Almighty God, we learned that the heavens and earth and all things were created by God, and that man’s life is bestowed on him by God. We also understood such truths as the mystery of God’s six-thousand-year management plan, the mystery of the incarnation, God’s three stages of work to save mankind, and the significance of God’s work of judgment in the last days. My wife and I felt it was a great blessing to have happened upon God incarnate working to save mankind during our lifetimes. We happily accepted ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 155 | Added by: gensuizhu | Date: 20/January/28

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